Community Solar is a model of solar energy development where a group of people own and benefit from a single solar array.
It’s a way to address barriers to solar access for:
- Renters & non-homeowners
- Those that cannot afford the cost of a residential solar installation
- Homes that are unsuitable for a solar installation.

The Sunflower Community Solar Project

The Sunflower Project is fully enrolled!

March 3rd, 2022: Workers begin construction at the Olympia Farmers Market

June 12th, 2022: Members of the Thurston Chamber of Commerce, South Sound Solar, The Olympia Farmers Market, and Olympia Community Solar commission the project.
For decades local farmers and craftspeople have been selling their wares at the Olympia Farmers Market and in 2021, for the first time in the Market’s 46 year history, solar energy went on sale.
Community solar is when a group of people join together to create a single solar project and share it’s benefits. Because the project is located at the Farmers Market, participants don’t need their own sunny roof. The public had the opportunity to purchase or donate “solar units”. Each solar unit represents a subscription to the energy from half a solar panel. Sunflower’s unique model uses clean energy to support broader social equity by allowing donations of solar units to local non-profit organizations. Donations are tax deductible, and the non-profit of your choice will receive the benefits from the Solar Unit’s production.
The Sunflower Project includes 198 Washington-made solar panels on the roof of the Olympia Farmers Market. Local solar installer South Sound Solar designed and installed the system which provides 100% of the Market’s electricity needs.
“The Olympia Farmers Market is excited to incorporate solar energy into the daily function of our organization,” said Brett Warwick, Director of Operations at the Olympia Farmers Market. “We are constantly searching for opportunities to benefit our community, and this includes environmental consciousness. We hope to lead by example by taking steps to decrease our carbon footprint. I am confident Olympia Community Solar and South Sound Solar will provide the Market with a well-crafted array of panels for all to enjoy in the decades to come.”

Dedicated to Community Leader: Steve Wilcox
Steve was the driving force behind the creation of the original community solar installation on the Olympia Farmers Market. For years Steve managed the solar project for the Market and it’s vendors.
Steve was a vendor member of the Market for many years and was a founding member of the Friends of Olympia Farmers Market. Steve loved life and all its possibilities. He was a dreamer who believed in the human potential. He was a loyal friend to many.
Steve passed away on July 28th, 2017 at the age of 72. Donations in his honor may be made to the Friends of Olympia Farmers Market.
Featured Nonprofit: Friends Of Olympia Farmers Market


Whats a Solar Unit?
A Solar Unit represents a portion of a community solar project’s capacity. Sunflower project Solar Units represents 180 Watts, or one half a solar panel.
Each Sunflower Solar Unit will generate about $15 dollars of electricity per year. Participants will receive 2% interest on their units before Sunflower is donated to the Farmers Market.
Washington-Made 380w Solar Panel
Up to 21.4% Efficency
30 year Product Warranty
30 year Production Warranty
Manufactured by Silfab Solar

SolarEdge Inverters
The four 14.4 kW AC SolarEdge inverters are reliable and meet high standards of electric grid safety requirements. We choose to invest in an extended 20 year warranty.
Public Production Monitoring
Sunflower features web-based production monitoring so project participants and market visitors can watch the real time energy output. Sunflower is projected to produce 79,000 kWhs of electricity each year, enough to power more than 8 homes.

Special Thanks To Our Partners
Benjamin Pejika & Joseph Switzer
Capitol Land Trust
Christine Garst
DisputeResolution Center
Garden Raised Bounty
Hands On Children’s Museum
Homes First
Laurie Wilcox
Olympia Mutual Aid Partners
Olympia Symphony Orchestra
Porcupine Media
Salmon Defense
Smith and Dietrich PLLC
South Sound Solar
The City Council of Olympia, Public Works Director Rich Hoey, and Facilities Operations Supervisor Eli Cole
The Friends of Olympia Farmers Market
The Hammond Foundation- Solar Moonshot Grant
The Olympia Farmers Market Board of Directors, Market staff Brett Warwick and Nora Hantula
Puget Sound Cooperative Credit Union
Thurston Climate Action Team
Thurston County Food Bank
Special Thanks To Our Participants and Donors
Alex Kistler and Mary Lane
Andrew & Laura
Annie Clay
Barbara W Buchan
Beth Hines
Bill & Joy Justis
Brett Warwick
Bryce & Naomi
C Rood
C Wagner
Callie Wilson
Chris & Jennifer Thompson
Cillian Mason, Miller Lavender, & Claire Stephens
Clarity Business Design
Cleve & Marty Pinnix
Connor Tibke
Dale and Barb
Dana Lattin, Ben Lattin and Lori Billamor
Dave & Maria Peeler
David Mudd and Maitri Sojourner
Dean Schwickerath
Diane Nelsen
Diane Utter
Dick and Betty Hauser
Dorrise Kalbfleisch
Doug & Laura Hall
Doug & Lillian Ryan
Dwight Richard Moody
Evan & Ben Robb
Faith Trimble
Fisher girls
Foster Squires Trust
Fred & Mary Gentry
Friends of the Olympia Farmers Market
G. Levy
Gary Koshi
Greg & Susie Knight
GRUB & Deb Crockett
Hilarie Hauptman and Jody Rush
Hill Family Trust
Howard Ullery
In memory of Sam Garst
James McGinn
Jane Laclergue
Jan-Stahre family
Jennifer Belknap and Jim McGinn / Rising River Farm
Jim Kruidenier and Susan Bryant
Jodi and Vaughn
Joel Hecker and Jill Black
John and Juliet Van Eenwyk
John W. Rolph
Karen Gyoshin Lohmann
Kathleen and Bruce Bauknight
Kathy Hall
Kati Thompson & Jeff Johnston
Kay D Baxstrom
Kelly Brannock
Ken Saucke
Kevin Haughton & Rachel Wood
Kevin, Janet, and Kira
Kurt Wochholz
Leeann Tourtillott and Ken Kurtz
Leonard Faucher
Lewis and Sue Dennie
Lucas Trerice
LuDa Sleipness
Maija Sandberg
Manfred Joeres & Barbara Burke
Mark and Nancy Brown
Mary Clare Benson
Mary E Williams
Mary Mahaffy & John Grettenberger
MaryEllin Robinson
Mathew Strickland
Mike Buffo
Miles Kuntz & Wendy Beck
Nate Brown
Nicolette, Flora & Thor Oliver
Olympia Federal Savings
Pam and Frank Turner
Patricia Kennedy
Rachel and Aaron Bernhard
Rebecca Clarke
Rich & Dianne Hurst
Rich Gailey
Rich Phillips
Richard Moon
Robin Ballard
Russell Fox
Sally Vogel
Sandy and Fur Babies
Sara E. Palmer
Stefanie Randolph
Steven, Kira and Luna Bacon
Susan A Parker
The Proctor Family
Tim Coley
Todd Davison
Tom & Sara King
Tom Crawford
Wayne & Betsy Olsen