Thurgood Marshall Community Solar Opens For Enrollment

The Olympia School District and Olympia Community Solar Announce Thurgood Marshall Community Solar Project is Open for Enrollment

Olympia Community Solar and the Olympia School District are excited to announce a partnership for the Thurgood Marshall Community Solar Project. This project, planned to begin construction in summer 2023, will consist of installing a community solar array on the Thurgood Marshall Middle School roof to offset the power usage of the school with renewable energy.

Community solar projects such as Thurgood Marshall expand solar access to those without access to traditional residential solar for people who don’t own their home, have an unsuitable roof or property for solar or face financial barriers to incorporating solar. A group of community members participate in a single solar project and share its benefits. As an integral community resource for families in Olympia, Thurgood Marshall Middle School is ideal for hosting a community solar array.

The project will include 306 solar panels across the Middle School’s roof. Puget Sound Solar will design and install the 150 kW system that will be capable of producing 149 thousand kilowatt-hours a year. This will reduce the school’s energy bill, contribute to sustainable infrastructure in Olympia, and create learning opportunities for Thurgood Marshall students on renewable energy.

“We are proud to partner with Olympia Community Solar on the Thurgood Marshall Middle School solar project,” said Olympia School District Superintendent Patrick Murphy. “This project will create learning opportunities about renewable energy for students and aligns with OSD Student Outcome #6. One of the indicators in Outcome 6 states that our students will ‘Advocate for and contribute to local, regional or global improvement by utilizing natural resources in an efficient, sustainable way.’”

Over 600 subscriptions to the project are publicly available. Community members provide the upfront project capital by purchasing or donating solar units, subscriptions to the project’s energy production. Over time participants will recover their contribution through the sale of electricity. Olympia Community Solar will develop and maintain the solar project. More details about participation in the project are available on Olympia Community Solar’s webpage.

“Our team is honored to partner with the Olympia School District on our third community solar project. Thurgood Marshall Community Solar provides an accessible opportunity for our community to participate in the clean energy economy, contribute to climate action, and support local education.” stated Olympia Community Solar President Mason Rolph.

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